giovedì 10 maggio 2007

When did your heart go missing

I'm waiting, waiting for nothing
You're leaving, leaving me hanging
When did your heart go missing
When did your heart go missing

I treat you like a princess
But your life is just one big mess
When did your heart go missing
When did your heart go missing

I don't understand
How could you forget, what we had
It's so wrong

I'm waiting, waiting for nothing
You're leaving, leaving me hanging
When did your heart go missing
When did your heart go missing

I treat you like a princess
But your life is just one big mess
When did your heart go missing
When did your heart go missing

Things were so good
We had a little dreams together
Buy a house settle down
Do our thing
But you disappeared on me
You heart your heart went missing
I don't know how to found out where it is
I don't know were your heart isn't was here the other day
I'm going to call the police, the investigator,
The heart investigative team.

The rooney
Questa canzone fa parte del nuovo album "Calling the world" appena uscito

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