lunedì 22 gennaio 2007

La fine di Everwood

Non so quanti di voi hanno guardato Everwood..però io queste cavolate non me le posso perdere.Iniziai a guardare la serie perchè ero da poco orfana di Dawson's creek ed uno dei produttori di Everwood era lo stesso di DC...quindi con la speranza,vana, che si riconfermasse un capolavoro inizia la visione.Non mi ha mai entusiasmato però la fine la dovevo vedere.L'ultimo ep non è stato memorabile,anche perchè la non riconferma dela 5serie non se la cmq hanno chiuso tutte le questioni in sospeso!!

Amy: Don't say anything yet. I wanna go first, and since I brought the ferris wheel I figured you'd let me. Okay, um. Four years ago, you came to my little town, and you changed my life. I never thought that one person could do that to another, but you did. And from the moment I met you and each moment after that, somehow everything that happened to me, kept coming back to you. I don't know if the ferris wheel reminds you of anything...
Ephram: Are you kidding me? How could I forget our first thawfest? It's when you first told me your nickname was Grover
Amy : I can't believe you remember that.
Ephram: I remember everything about us, Amy.
Amy: Me, too. See, that's the thing. Every time I try to forget the feelings that I have for you, they just- they just keep coming back, and now they're back, and I don't want to push them down anymore. I don't wanna run away from us. Because I never want to lose you again, I just want to be with you, next to you, wherever you are. And I'm sorry that it took me so long to figure it out, I really am, because I hate all the time that we lost and I know it's my fault and I just really hope that you can forgive me.Because I love you, Ephram. I love you.
Ephram: Is it my turn yet? Good. Because I love you, too. I knew it then. I know it now. I'll know it always. You're it, Amy. You're my one.

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